- (microsoft.github.io)“30 days of strucutured content and resources to help you explore the fascinating world of Progressive Web Apps.”
- (smashingmagazine.com)This articles look into the new, as of 2015, opportunities we have to build a new generation of web apps. There is still a lot of valuable information here.
This resource might be a little out of date. - (docs.microsoft.com)A list of how-to's for building PWAs in Edge by Microsoft

- (developers.google.com)A great, if slightly old, tutorial on the app shell architecture.
This resource might be a little out of date. - (blog.pusher.com)A high-level overview of PWAs from Pusher, written in 2018.
This resource might be a little out of date. - (developer.mozilla.org)“This article provides an introduction to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), discussing what they are and the advantages they offer over regular web apps.”

- (en.wikipedia.org)The Wikipedia page for PWAs has a summary of their history and some of the related tech
- (web.dev)You'll learn what makes a Progressive Web App special, how they can affect your business, and how to build them.